greenTEV is an optimized TEV protease (Tobacco Etch Virus Protease) fused to a GFP protein. greenTEV contains a His-Tag to facilitate the removal of the protease from the cleavage reaction after completion of cleavage. The removal of greenTEV can be monitored easily by following the fluorescence - this easy, fast and sensitive method omits time-consuming SDS-PAGE or Western blot analysis. The recognition sequence with the highest catalytic activity is ENLYFQ(G/S).
greenTEV is available in liquid or lyophilized form. The format and size can be selected by using the buttons.
If the green fluorescence of greenTEV is not suitable and you prefer blue fluorescence as readout, check our blueTEV protease.
If you want to test our product greenTEV, you can get a free sample using the code greenTEVFreeSample.
Simply choose the greenTEV variant P2020-142 lyophilized 200U, place it in your shopping card and enter the code during the logout process.

Product Name: greenTEV
- Catalog No.: P2020-123 liquid, P2020-142 lyophilized
- RefSeq Links: UniProt: Q0GDU8
- Synonyms: TEV Protease; TEV; Tobacco Etch Virus nuclear-inclusion-a endopeptidase; rTEV; P1 protease; EC
The optimized greenTEV protease and the Cleavage and tag control protein are also available together in the greenTEV Cleavage Kit - order it now!